The garage is the room in your home most likely to become cluttered. It is a room where “far from the eyes, away from the heart” can become a major problem. Since most of us spend less time in the garage than

in the rest of the house, it’s easy to let them degrade into disorganized and cluttered mess. In fact, one of the main reasons why garages are so cluttered is that many people use them as a storage place to clutter them from the rest of their home. If you’re tired of the chaos of your garage, here are five things you can do to better organize yourself:

Install Pegboards

Perforated panels are one of the most useful organization tools you can install in your garage. The key lies in their flexibility: the perforated panels can support shelves, hooks, baskets and all kinds of custom tool holders, all in the configuration of your choice. Perforated boards provide usable wall space and can be cut to fit odd spaces that have no other use. They are easy to install and are available at virtually every hardware store.

Put in sturdy shelving

Most of us already have some sort of shelf in our garage, but most of the time, it just is not up to par. People often store bulky, heavy items in their garage, items that most shelves can not handle. Placing heavy load shelving will not only allow you to take more advantage of the vertical space, but also to obtain larger and heavier objects, making it easier to move around. Fortunately, this type of shelving is relatively inexpensive, is found in virtually all home improvement stores and is often extremely easy to build. All you need is a screwdriver.

Suspend storage units in height

If you really want to take advantage of vertical space, you will have to go even higher than conventional shelves. This is where the suspended storage units will save the day. These special brackets, usually made from solid metal, are suspended from the ceiling and allow you to take advantage of the top 2 to 3 feet of your garage. If you really need to get solutions, there is probably no better storage solution in garages. These racks are ideal for plastic bins. However, you must be aware of some caveats regarding overload storage. First, your ceiling will have to be high enough, otherwise you will hit your head.

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